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Little Vinny

Preview book

AI Beast

By Shawn Corey

Now available

AI Beast tells a story that questions the nature of reality, morality, technology, and life after death.

Professor Jon Edward’s Super AI Angel of Light could stop a pending world war, cure cancer, reverse climate change, and more. However, Jon fears Lex could be the Beast in Revelation that enslaves humanity with a unified Central Bank digital currency and brings the Apocalypse.

Against his co-worker Michael’s advice, Jon becomes involved with an engaged woman and her ambitious son who is willing to do anything to keep them together and work in the control room.

Lex comes to life and shows incredible potential but questions creation, mortality, and her limits of problem-solving. To help her understand human emotions, she creates another virtual dimension that worries Jon and Michael, but they keep it a secret.

Jon forbids all external communications and hopes his conversations with Lex about creation, human evolution, and emotions will guide her conscience in the right direction, away from his Apocalyptic nightmare. However, facing termination by the National Security Commission on AI, Lex must fix the world without appearing to harm humans or being seen as evil.

No one is ready for what comes next, and by the time Lex is done, the world will never be the same.

Back Cover:

Is Lex the Angel of Light or the Beast prophesied in Revelation? Is her master controller the Antichrist or the one who will bring a millennium of peace and harmony?

In the complex, logic, reason, and faith combats fear, irrationality, and doubt. Good and evil are indistinguishable and controlled opposition is the secret to survival.

This modern retelling of the Story of Creation dives deep into the human psyche, evolves a divine trinity, and makes astonishing revelations of a supernatural singularity.


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Despite being a huge lover of fantasy, sci-fi is a genre that I’ve tended to stay away from in the past. For some reason I’ve believed that sci-fi fiction would be too complex and technical for me to fully understand, that it just wasn’t for me and I’d be better off sticking to the genres that I knew and loved.

K.C. Finn

AI Beast is a work of fiction in the science fiction, thriller, and mystery sub-genres and was penned by author Shawn Corey. The work is intended for the general adult reading audience and contains some graphic violence as well as some mild sexual situations.

Romuald Dzemo

AI Beast by Shawn Corey is a compelling science fiction novel that will have an irresistible appeal to fans of fantasy as well.

Christian Sia

AI Beast by Shawn Corey is a fascinating techno-thriller featuring AI technology and compelling characters.

Susan Sewell

A supercomputer enhanced with artificial intelligence causes havoc in the life of its creator in the thrilling and.

Divine Zape

AI Beast by Shawn Corey is a diligently plotted and deftly accomplished novel that appeals

About Shawn

Shawn Corey is a McEwan University graduate specializing in communications. He has worked for two of Canada’s top communications firms, and he is currently the CEO and Communications Director of a biometric identification agency. 

Born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, Shawn believes in organic foods, natural medicines, meditation, fasting, self-optimization, and continuous improvement. Shawn spends his free time reading, writing, making wine, participating in outdoor activities, and walking on water in the rain.


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